January 23, 2023

How to reduce count of illegal content using DSA notice?

The internet has become an essential part of our lives, and it provides us with endless information and entertainment. However, it’s no secret that the internet is also home to illegal content, such as hate speech, terrorism-related material, child pornography, and more. As a website owner or operator, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your website does not harbor any illegal content. One way to achieve this is by implementing a content moderation system using a DSA tool, such as DSA notice.

DSA notice is a SaaS tool which could be easily integrated on your own web-site or mobile application to be compliant with new regulation and help you to reduce count of illegal content.

Here are some steps you can take to reduce the count of illegal content on your website using DSA notice:

  1. Register account for free https://app.dsanotice.com/auth/register

  2. Add your domain.

  3. Integrate DSA notice into your web-site.

  4. Receive notification when someone will found illegal content and send notice.

  5. React on notification through admin panel.

In conclusion, using DSA notice tool is an effective way to reduce the count of illegal content on your website and be compliant with a new rulebook. It doesn’t matter how many own moderators you have - DSA notice will help you to improve quality of content on your web-site or mobile application.

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